Thursday, 11 February 2016

How time flies! Obama returns to the spot where he announced his run for president and promised change nine years ago

Nine years ago to the day, Barack stood before the Old State Capitol in Springfield and announced his run for president, declaring it was 'time to turn the page' on cynical, special-interest politics.
On Wednesday, he returned to the Illinois capital at the twilight of his political career, lamenting that the story has not changed. 
In a nostalgic day trip to Springfield where he began his career, Obama fretted over the harsh tone and hardening partisanship he says is turning off voters.
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President Barack Obama addresses the Illinois General Assembly at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield on Wednesday. He returned to Springfield, the place where his presidential career began, to mark the ninth anniversary of his entrance into the 2008 presidential race
President Barack Obama addresses the Illinois General Assembly at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield on Wednesday. He returned to Springfield, the place where his presidential career began, to mark the ninth anniversary of his entrance into the 2008 presidential race
On February 10, 2007, Obama, an Illinois senator at the time, announced his 2008 presidential candidacy at the Old State Capitol in Springfield
Obama pictured as he addresses a crowd of supporters in Springfield in 2007
On February 10, 2007, Obama, an Illinois senator at the time, announced his 2008 presidential candidacy at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, pictured above left and right at the time
He waxed nostalgic about the chummier relations and bipartisan deal-making of his youth. 
He appealed to state lawmakers, and the public, to rid politics of 'polarization and meanness' that discourage widespread participation in civic life.
'It's gotten worse,' he said bluntly in an address to the Illinois General Assembly, on the anniversary of his entry into presidential politics.
'Today, that kind of citizenship is threatened by a poisonous political climate that pushes people away from participating in our public life,' Obama added. 
'It turns folks off. It discourages them. It makes them cynical. And when that happens, more powerful and extreme voices fill the void.'
The sentiment echoed Obama's 2007 address delivered in the cold on the steps of the Old State Capitol building. 
It is one Obama has repeated throughout his presidency amid miserable relationships with congressional opposition and new levels of gridlock in Washington.
Still, it carried added resonance on Wednesday, as outsider candidates in both parties celebrated huge victories in the New Hampshire primary.
In the presidential campaign to succeed him, both parties are dealing with voters deeply frustrated with the political climate. 
Nine years ago he announced his run for president at the Old State Capitol and declared it was 'time to turn the page' on cynical, special-interest politics. On Wednesday (pictured), Obama returned to Springfield, lamenting that the story has not changed
Nine years ago he announced his run for president at the Old State Capitol and declared it was 'time to turn the page' on cynical, special-interest politics. On Wednesday (pictured), Obama returned to Springfield, lamenting that the story has not changed
During his address, he made a renewed call for better relations between Republicans and Democrats to create a more positive tone in U.S. politics
During his address, he made a renewed call for better relations between Republicans and Democrats to create a more positive tone in U.S. politics
Obama (pictured on Wednesday) won the White House in 2008 partially on a promise to overcome partisan divides in Washington. He has called his failure to do that, seven years after taking office, a regret
Obama (pictured on Wednesday) won the White House in 2008 partially on a promise to overcome partisan divides in Washington. He has called his failure to do that, seven years after taking office, a regret
Republicans have seen a willingness to embrace coarsening conversation - Donald Trump has made a habit of using personal insults barely suitable for print. 
On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is calling for political revolution fueled by animosity toward corporate interests.
Obama has not formally waded into the Democratic race, but is increasingly trying to play the role of a Greek chorus.
On Wednesday, he spent much of his time outlining his worries about the role of big money in politics and the impact on legislating. He warned that compromise is necessary, and 'doesn't make me a sellout to my own party.' 
He offered a few broad prescriptions for changing the political climate, including the way congressional districts are drawn and making it easier for people to vote in elections.
He noted with some amusement that his audience, the state lawmakers he held up as model for bipartisan pragmatism, seemed to have knee-jerk partisan responses to his suggestions.
'This is fascinating to watch,' he said.
Before delivering his remarks, the president visited one of his old haunts he frequented as a state senator, The Feed Store. During his unscheduled stop at the eatery, Obama was seen as he surprised diners, including two young siblings as they ate their lunch
Before delivering his remarks, the president visited one of his old haunts he frequented as a state senator, The Feed Store. During his unscheduled stop at the eatery, Obama was seen as he surprised diners, including two young siblings as they ate their lunch
Obama greets two customers dining at the restaurant which is located near the Old State Capitol in Springfield
Obama greets two customers dining at the restaurant which is located near the Old State Capitol in Springfield
While at the eatery he met customers and staff who took out their cameras to take pictures. Obama seen above as he poses for a selfie
While at the eatery he met customers and staff who took out their cameras to take pictures. Obama seen above as he poses for a selfie
The president did not stay to eat but picked up a to-go order of beef barley soup and a turkey sandwich
The president did not stay to eat but picked up a to-go order of beef barley soup and a turkey sandwich
Obama spoke fondly of getting to know his colleagues in Springfield over fish fries and poker games, an aspect of political life in Washington that has all but disappeared
Obama spoke fondly of getting to know his colleagues in Springfield over fish fries and poker games, an aspect of political life in Washington that has all but disappeared
'I miss you guys,' he said as he left the cheering chamber stood outside across from the Old State Capitol building
'I miss you guys,' he said as he left the cheering chamber stood outside across from the Old State Capitol building
Obama's trip was laden with nostalgia for the capital where he got his start as a state senator. 
But before delivering his remarks, the president visited one of his old haunts he frequented as a state senator, The Feed Store, where he greeted customers and staff, posed for selfies and picked up a to-go order of beef barley soup and a turkey sandwich.
During his unscheduled stop at the eatery, Obama was seen as he surprised diners, including two young siblings as they ate their lunch.
He spoke fondly of getting to know his colleagues in Springfield over fish fries and poker games, an aspect of political life in Washington that has all but disappeared as House and Senate lawmakers rush out of town on weekends to spend time with family back home.
'I miss you guys,' he said as he left the cheering chamber stood outside across from the Old State Capitol building.
Obama called 'my inability to reduce the polarization and meanness in our politics' one of his few regrets as president, although he didn't acknowledge any specific mistakes. 
'We've got to build a better politics,' Obama said during his address. 'When I hear voices in either party boast of their refusal to compromise as an accomplishment in and of itself, I'm not impressed'
'We've got to build a better politics,' Obama said during his address. 'When I hear voices in either party boast of their refusal to compromise as an accomplishment in and of itself, I'm not impressed'
Obama returned to Springfield with several of the architects of his successful first presidential campaign, including then-chief strategist David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, who remains a senior White House adviser
Obama returned to Springfield with several of the architects of his successful first presidential campaign, including then-chief strategist David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, who remains a senior White House adviser
The crowd gives Obama a standing ovation following his address. From Springfield, he was headed to California where he will raise money for Democrats, appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and host the leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations for a two-day summit
The crowd gives Obama a standing ovation following his address. From Springfield, he was headed to California where he will raise money for Democrats, appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and host the leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations for a two-day summit
As culprits for the climate, he pointed to the media, short-sighted political tactics, gerrymandered districts and the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision that opened up the floodgates for undisclosed, unlimited contributions.
From Springfield, he was headed to California where he will raise money for Democrats, appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and host the leaders of 10 Southeast Asian nations for a two-day summit beginning Monday.
Obama returned to a statehouse that has weathered its share of turmoil since he left it behind in 2004. 
Two Illinois governors have been convicted of corruption and sent to prison - including Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who is serving time for trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat Obama vacated when he became president.
Meanwhile, Democrats who control both chambers of the legislature have butted heads with Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner since the Republican and former businessman took office last year. 
The two sides have yet to agree on a state budget more than eight months into the fiscal year, prompting massive cuts to higher education and social service programs.
Obama returned to Springfield with several of the architects of his successful first presidential campaign, including then-chief strategist David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, who remains a senior White House adviser. Both accompanied the president aboard Air Force One.



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